Prince vilken man och vilken musiker. Min hjälte passerar kl 57. Det konstiga jag körde hem 2 days ago and my wife showed me a fridge her client gave her for free and a Dryer. I told my wife wow that’s great.
My wife then informed me there’s more and told me to go into the living room were I saw a korg midi keyboard and 2 guitar cases. I freaked out and rushed to the guitar cases opened the first and it was a Yamaha acoustic and how freaky is this the other was a hollow-body Epiphone style guitar and low and behold.
I cried as I saw it had EMG pickups because my hero Prince uses them on all his guitars. I spent the next 3 hours playing guitar going crazy with effects like my 1982 Flanger pedal that prince uses, Wah Wah to the max and distortion whilst listening to prince.
My small music room has the framed sign of the times concert poster hanging on the wall. I have every price album and DVD’s. He was my hero and he will be missed. I am lucky to have seen him 3 times in concert.
Prince to me was the Jazz Latin Rock Funk Fusion master of all time. I send my condolences to his family, close friends and fans around the world.
all I can say is:
Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to remember this tiny man is stature named Prince but he partied like its 1999. I may not know where I’m going (babe) I said I may not know what I need One thing, one thing’s 4 certain baby I know what I want, I want prince.